Congresos  Nacionales
Farías O, Demenceau L., Ngendakumana Ph.,
“Reducción del CO2 en combustión de petróleo por modificación de la aerodinámica del quemador”, 
VIII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Mecánica, Vol. II, p. 1097, Concepción, Octubre 1998.
 Congresos  Internacionales 
Ngendakumana Ph. and  Farías O.,
“The Influence of the Operating Conditions of a Fuel Oil Boiler on the Flame Spectrum”,
Eurotherm Seminar Nº35 and 14th Journées d’Etudes of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Leuven (Belgium), 1994. 
Ngendakumana Ph. and Farías O.,
“The Influence of the Operating Conditions of a Fuel Oil Boiler on the Flame Spectrum”, 
16th Task Headers Meeting of IEA-Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion, Heidelberg (Germany), 1994.
Ngendakumana Ph. and Farías O.,
“Automatic Control of Combustion in Fuel Oil Boilers", 
IEA Combustion Agreement Task Leaders Meeting, Crandfiel (England), August 1996.
Farías O. and Ngendakumana Ph.,
“Influence of the Fuel-Air Mixing on the Flame Spectrum and the Pollutants Emissions in a Fuel Oil Boiler”, 
4th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Porto (Portugal), April 1997.
Farías O. and Ngendakumana Ph., 
Combustion Control in a Fuel Oil Boiler from the Flame Spectrum”, 
International Conference Clima 2000, Brussels (Belgium), August 1997.
Farías O. and Ngendakumana Ph.,
Influence of the Fuel-Air Mixing Quality on the Pollutants Emissions of a Fuel Oil Boiler”, 
19th Task Leaders Meeting, IEA-Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion, Napoli (Italy), September 1997.
Farías O. and Ngendakumana Ph., 
“Influence of the Air Circuit Adjustment of a Yellow Flame Oil Burner on the Burner Performance”, 
Eurotherm Seminar Nº 54 “Compact Firing Heating Units”, Leuven (Belgium), December 1997.
Ngendakumana Ph., Gauthy S. & Farías O.,
“Investigation of the performance of a twin-fluid atomiser by means of flame emission spectroscopy”. 
Paper presented at the 20th Task Leaders Meeting of the IEA-Combustion in Ottawa, Canada, July 1998.
Ngendakumana Ph. and Farías O., 
“Modelling of the heat transfer modes in a hot water domestic boiler”, 
Conference SSB’98, System Simulation in Buildings, University of Liège, Liège (Belgium), December 1998.
Farías O.,
“Combustion diagnostic from the flame emission spectrum”, 
Six Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM VI), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), January 1999.
 Revistas ISI
Farías O. and Ngendakumana Ph.,
“Flame Spectroscopy and the NOx Formation Mechanisms in Fuel Oil Boilers”, 
Bull. Soc. Chim. Bel., Vol. 105 / Nº9 / 1996, p. 545-554, 
Paper presented to the 15th Journées d’Etude: Advances in Combustion Understanding, The Combustion Institute (Belgian Section), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), May 1996. 
Ngendakumana Ph. and Farías O.,
“Pollutant Emissions of Domestic Fuel Oil Boilers”, 
Bull. Soc. Chim. Bel., Vol. 106 / Nº9 / 1997, 
Paper presented to the Belgian and Frech Joint Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Villeneuve d’Asc (France), May 1997. 
Tesis y otras revistas 
con comité editorial

Farías O.,
Towards the Development of an Optimal Combustion Control in Fuel-Oil Boilers from the Flame Emission Spectrum”, Thèse de doctorat 1997, 
Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées Nº 182, 
Université de Liège, May 1998.
Farías O., Ngendakumana Ph.;
Diagnóstico de la combustión a partir del espectro de llamas luminosas”, 
Revista de Ingeniería, Universidad de Concepción, ISSN 0717-744X, año 10 - edición Nº1, Noviembre 1998.