
Luis A. Cubillos is a Fishery Biologist, Master in Science major in Oceanography, and Doctor in Oceanography. Currently, Associated Professor at the Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Natural and Oceanographic Sciences of the University of Concepcion, Chile. Hi is Associated Researcher of the Center for Oceanographic Research COPAS Sur-Austral and COPAS COASTAL, and staff of the Master in Fisheries Science and the Doctorate in Sciences major in Management of Renewable Aquatic Resources.

His research interest is in marine population dynamics, quantitative models to evaluate marine populations, life history parameters, and the influence of environmental effects on fish productivity, including recruitment variability in small and demersal pelagic fish populations. In addition, he has participated in technical advice for decision-making in fisheries management.


Universidad de Concepción | Concepción, Chile

Doctor en Oceanografía | 2013

Universidad de Concepción | Concepción, Chile

Master of Science major Oceanography | 1999

Universidad Arturo Prat | Iquique, Chile

Biologo Pesquero | 1990

Luis A. Cubillos


Luis A. Cubillos is a Fishery Biologist, Master in Science major in Oceanography, and Doctor in Oceanography. Currently, Associated Professor at the Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Natural and Oceanographic Sciences of the University of Concepcion, Chile. Hi is Associated Researcher of the Center for Oceanographic Research COPAS Sur-Austral and COPAS COASTAL, and staff of the Master in Fisheries Science and the Doctorate in Sciences major in Management of Renewable Aquatic Resources.

His research interest is in marine population dynamics, quantitative models to evaluate marine populations, life history parameters, and the influence of environmental effects on fish productivity, including recruitment variability in small and demersal pelagic fish populations. In addition, he has participated in technical advice for decision-making in fisheries management.


Universidad de Concepción | Concepción, Chile

Doctor en Oceanografía | 2013

Universidad de Concepción | Concepción, Chile

Master of Science major Oceanography | 1999

Universidad Arturo Prat | Iquique, Chile

Biologo Pesquero | 1990