Compartimos casa con estudiantes extranjeros durante MAYO. Dos cuadras UdeC.

  • Descripción: We are a community of people that live in a house in five minutes walking distance to the campus of the Udec. The house is located really nice on top of a hill and we have a lot of outside space and cultivate some vegetables, like tomatoes. We have four private rooms and one big living room. The mayority of us works already and we would be happy to host people from oher parts of the world to learn and exchange experiences.
  • Contacto: Felipe Andres Moraga Villablanca (Alumno de Postgrado)
  • Teléfono: +56976151596
  • Correo electrónico:
  • Categoría: Habitacional
  • Imagen: imagen
Universidad de Concepción - Concepción - Chile
Sitio desarrollado y hospedado en Dirección de Tecnologías de Información - DTI - 2010
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